When fertilisation meets environmental goals
Liquid manure acidification system SyreN for agricultural applications

Adding sulfuric acid helps to significantly reduce nitrogen loss when applying slurry and digestates, and saves on inorganic fertiliser. Loss levels are often high – nitrogen (N) either drains into deeper layers of the soil with the seepage water or leaks out in the form of nitrous oxide and ammonia. In terms of volume, ammonia venting is the biggest cause of nitrogen loss. SyreN is a system designed for attachment to new or used slurry tankers. The SyreN slurry acidification system ensures optimum nutrient use, as it provides the plants with the existing nutrients under optimum conditions. The loss is identical to that caused by the use of incision technology. However, SyreN offers signification advantages when combined with dribble bar or trailing shoe technology. The increased working width gives a significant boost in terms of area coverage, resulting in fewer lanes and keeping plant damage to a minimum. Of course, this also reduces power and fuel consumption. It also goes without saying that, the system was designed to ensure maximum safety for the user, ensuring that they never come into contact with the sulfuric acid during either the assembly or the application of SyreN. As an added bonus, the chemical reaction also reduces odors – something your neighbors will thank you for!

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