VX series: Low functionality of the pumping system
Case Study: Getoil
Problems on pumping oil products in coastal depot in Genoa
Rotary lobe pump VX186
The customer and the problem
Getoil is an important company which operates in the sector of sale of petroleum products and its main depot is located in the port of Genoa.
The company has made major investments for enhance the storage capacity of the warehouse of Genoa and for the modernization of the technological plants. Eng. Borasi has dealt with 360° al the project execution, fom the initial planning up the final commissioning of the plant. The supply of the pumps necessary for handling the products has been entrusted to Vogelsang Srl for the compactness of the proposed machines, the possibility of pumping in both the directions and ease of flow rate adjustment compared to other competitors.

The solution
The company has installed several pumps of the VX186 series with flow rate from 30 up to 400 m3/h. The pumps are configured for the transfer of very viscous fluids (fuel oil) and have the following construction features:
- Stainless steel lobes
- HiFlo lobe geometry free from flow rate pulsation
- Double set of mechanical seals and bearings for different applications
- Electric motor with mechanical ventilation forced
- Control panels with vector inverter with constant torque
Advantages of the VX series
- Reduction of processing times
- Reduction of maintenance costs/maintenance times
- Optimization of energy consumption