Design and function of the liquid feeding system
How the CC-Mix works
The liquid feeding system CC-Mix combines proven components in a well-thought-out concept. It is based on the unique, easy to maintain progressive cavity pump of the CC series, supplemented by a generously dimensioned mixing chamber. The biomass (e.g. maize silage, dry chicken manure, grain meal, but also sugar beet pulp, ruminal content or fruit and vegetable waste) is transported by a feed screw from the side or from above into the mixing chamber. At the same time, a liquid suspension, such as recirculated material, is added at the start of the mixing chamber. The rotary grinder on the mixing shaft catches the biomass, and transports it – thanks to the new design – actively into the liquid suspension. The ripping teeth and paddles on the mixing shaft intensively mix up everything to a homogeneous organic suspension. The pump unit after the mixing chamber pumps the mashed suspension into the digester(s). A pipe network allows multiple digesters to be fed by one liquid feeding system CC-Mix and it is easy to connect additional tanks later on. The CC-Mix thus provides the conditions which are necessary for optimum fermentation of the biomass using energy efficiently. At the same time, the effective mixing action ensures optimum extraction of foreign matter in the integrated foreign matter separator.