Norbert Köffer chose Vogelsang
He uses a SwingMax dribble bar system to spread the liquid manure close to the ground

“I chose Vogelsang because with it I can successfully manage the balancing act between customer expectations and profitability.”
Norbert Köffer, business owner, Norbert Köffer Agricultural-Service & Transport, Germany

We are a family-run company with a 30-year family tradition. Our goal is to provide optimal service to our customers and to satisfy their expectations. With Vogelsang we have found a good partner with whom we can achieve this goal. This is because an essential part of our services is the spreading of liquid manure and fermentation substrate. For this, we rely mainly on the pump and spreading technology from Vogelsang. We use the dribble bar  and trailing shoe systems from Vogelsang as the spreading technique. Slitters, disc harrows and cultivators are also used for direct incorporation. We use the SwingMax dribble bar system to guarantee optimum spreading. The working width is 27 meters. With this method, we spread the liquid manure close to the ground in an environmentally friendly and plant-friendly manner. Thanks to highly accurate precise distributors and optimal hose routing, we achieve high distribution accuracy. This ensures optimum and uniform application of the nutrients to the entire crop or farmland. Furthermore, the stable and low-maintenance dribble bar system is particularly economical for us. Vogelsang Service can quickly implement any maintenance required and long downtimes are avoided. The technology works smoothly even with different types of liquid manure. Well thought-out section management enables us to adapt the working width, depending on the customer's respective application.

Customer portrait: Norbert Köffer Agricultural-Service & Transport, Germany

The company Norbert Köffer Agricultural- Service & Transport
Person in the testimonial Norbert Köffer, Business owner
Employees 12
Year of founding 1987
Services Sowing, fertilizing and harvesting agricultural products
Quantity of liquid manure spread per year Approx. 100,000 cbm
Technology from Vogelsang in use SwingMax dribble bar system, further dribble bar and trailing shoe systems as well as pump technology