Optimal nutrient management through separation on your farm
The press screw separator XSplit® for agricultural applications
As the number of animals increases, so does the amount of farm manure. This, as well as weather influences in the different seasons and fertilization according to requirements, mean that the fertilizer cannot be used completely in areas where livestock are kept. This leads to storage problems or even transport problems. Because storage capacities are not infinitely available and the transport of raw slurry has only low transport efficiency.
Separation can remedy this and provide further advantages in dealing with nutrient management on the farm. By separating the raw slurry with the XSplit, solid from liquid components are separated and can be stored separately. Especially in the case of solid slurry with high dry matter content, the volume is reduced and the existing storage capacity can be used more efficiently.
Moreover, slurry consists of approx. 90 % water. If liquid components are separated before transport, higher nutrient contents are concentrated in a smaller space and transport becomes more profitable.

But separation technology has other advantages. Depending on the crop and the season, fertilization with separated farm manure can be adjusted accordingly. Especially the liquid phase is particularly suitable for fertilization on grassland. Due to the increased flowability, the fertilizer quickly penetrates the soil. The increased ammonium content also accelerates the nitrogen effect of the slurry.
Likewise, the slurry is homogenized by the separation technique. Slurry is a heterogeneous fertilizer that must be stirred before application. If there are fewer solid components in the slurry, the nutrients are automatically distributed more evenly. This eliminates the need for prior stirring.
Features of the XSplit®
Options of the XSplit®