Optimized plant operation trough separation
The XSplit® press screw separator in the biogas plant
Separation with the XSplit opens up economic solutions to increase the efficiency of a biogas plant or to avoid operational malfunctions and component failures. If, for example, increased proportions of long-fiber solids such as manure, corn straw or landscape conservation material are fed as a result of a substrate change, this leads to an increase in the viscosity of the suspension. Pumps and agitators consume more power. At the same time, they contain a high proportion of lignin and semi-cellulose, for the degradation of which the residence time is often too short. The specific gas yield decreases.
Separation with the XSplit can remedy this and generate further benefits. If the solids are separated from the suspension, they can then be fed back into the fermenter. In this way, the residence time is extended, a higher proportion of organic matter can be converted into biogas, and the gas yield increases. If the digestate is separated, the liquid phase, which makes up a significant proportion, can be passed back into the fermenter. This reduces the viscosity of the suspension, and the power consumption of pumps and agitators drops. The solids previously separated from the digestate can be stored separately and can be transported more efficiently. At the same time, less storage capacity needs to be kept available for liquid digestate.

And the separation of the digestate has further advantages. As with slurry, fertilization with digestate can be adjusted accordingly. The liquid phase, in particular, is very suitable for fertilizing grassland, as the digestate penetrates the soil more quickly thanks to their increased flowability.
Features of the XSplit®
Options of the XSplit®