XRipper®: Reduction of cleaning intervals
Case Study: Gespringwasser Schmalkalden
High amount of maintenance required due to entangled material
XRipper XRS100-90Q
The customer and the problem
GEWAS (Gespringwasser Schmalkalden) operates a sewage treatment plant in Niederschmalkalden. The wastewater association comprises eight local communities. The wastewater generated here is collected and treated centrally in the sewage treatment plant.
In 2011 the sewage treatment plant in Niederschmalkalden underwent extensive renovation work. Among other things, a grinder was installed for the treatment of primary sludge. The aim was to shred solid matter before it reaches the digestion tower in order to reduce impact within the tower itself. A maximum throughput of 20m³/h was to be handled.
The solution
The XRipper XRS100-90Q was chosen for this task. The XRipper has been shredding the solid matter ever since. Its robust design and the monoltithic ripper rotors ensure a high level of stability and reliable crushing of the solid matter. The liquid passes through the XRipper uninhibited. It flows between the ripper rotors and the housing. Solid matter is caught by the ripper rotors and shredded accordingly.
The solid matter's impact in the digestion tower has been significantly reduced by this move. The digestion tower now only has to be cleaned every three years. Before, this has to be done every two years.

Advantages of the XRipper®
- Long service times thanks to rugged design
- High availability thanks to quick servicing and easy maintenance
- Efficient protection against entangled material