XRipper®: Reliable shredding of coarse matter in domestic wastewater
Case Study: Neinstedter Anstalten
Damages and clogging of wastewater pumps by clothing and coarse matter
Vogelsang XRipper XRS186-130Q
The customer and the problem
Neinstedter Anstalten is a privately run charitable foundation in Germany's Harz district. The services offered by the foundation range from providing accommodation and employment in the community, to community living support and in-home care. Neinstedter Anstalten's wastewater—totaling about 40 m3 per hour—flows into the public sewer system. Malfunctions in the public sewer network, and even damage to pumps, were occurring repeatedly due to coarse contaminants, such as items of clothing. Labels on these identified them as coming from Neinstedter Anstalten. The Ostharz Zweckverband water and wastewater association, which manages the public sewer system, obliged the Neinstedter Anstalten to eliminate or shred the harmful matter itself.
The solution
For economic reasons, the foundation decide to install a shredder. In the search for a suitable solution, the choice fell on the XRipper XRS186-130Q in 2009. Due to its compact and robust twin-shaft design, it is the optimal solution to reduce the large-volume foreign matter to an unproblematic size.
“We've had no complaints since,” said the plant engineer for building services. Further checks carried out by the wastewater association revealed no more problems and confirmed that the harmful matter is shredded optimally

Advantages of the XRipper®
- Reliable and powerful shredding of coarse matter
- Compact design
- Quick and easy to service