Die Drehkolbenpumpe für Abwasser und Schlämme
Drehkolbenpumpen der VX-Serie für Abwasser-Anwendungen

Die Abwasserpumpen der VX-Serie fördern effizient Schlämme in der Abwasserreinigung; von Primärschlamm, über Überschuss- und Sekundärschlamm, bis hin zu eingedicktem Faulschlamm oder Klärschlamm. Aber auch für fremdkörperbelastetes Abwasser eignen sich die Drehkolbenpumpen der VX-Serie. Der große freie Kugeldurchgang und das InjectionSystem machen sie fremdkörperunempfindlich. Die Fähigkeit der Drehkolbenpumpe auch aus Gruben anzusaugen und Luft aus leergelaufenen Abwasserleitungen zu evakuieren, empfehlen die VX-Serie als Abwasserpumpe. Der symmetrische Aufbau erlaubt das Pumpen in beide Richtungen, z. B. zum Absaugen von Entsorgungsfahrzeugen aber auch zum Befüllen von Tankfahrzeugen mit derselben Pumpe. Die HiFlo®-Kolben stehen für eine pulsationsfreie und vibrationsarme Förderung von Abwasser und Schlämmen. Die Kombination von hoher Leistung und geringem Platzbedarf machen die Abwasserpumpen der VX-Serie zur idealen Lösung für mobile Pumpeinheiten. Dank weiterer spezieller Features und Optionen überzeugen sie dabei durch lange Standzeiten, egal ob in der Kläranlage oder Kanalisation. Sind doch einmal Wartungsarbeiten oder Servicearbeiten erforderlich, sind die Pumpen dank dem QuickService-Konzept schnell und einfach in der Kläranlage oder der Pumpstation vom eigenen Personal zu warten bzw. reparieren. Auf Wunsch übernehmen unsere Servicemonteure alle anfallenden Service- und Wartungsarbeiten. Die Abdichtung der Wellen erfolgt serienmäßig mittels Gleitringdichtung und ist auch als Blockringdichtung verfügbar – sofern erforderlich auch TA-Luftkonform.


Features der VX-Serie

On rotary lobe pumps from Vogelsang, wear on the pump housing segments is compensated without using additional parts. This makes the most of the material and prolongs service life.
Axial wear plates are made from highly wear-resistant special steel and therefore extend maintenance intervalls. They offer protection for the entire pump chamber and therefore not only simplify maintenance, but also minimize downtime. At the same time costs are minimized.
With our extensive selection of lobe geometry and materials, we will find the right long-life lobe for your media, e.g. NBR, NBR white, EPDM-SL, EPDM-AL, EPDM white, CSM, FKM, PU, stainless steel oder nitrided steel. The lobes can be produced in a straight, double-wing geometry or as 3-wing; 4-wing or 6-wing, pulsation-free HiFlo lobes.
Alongside the standard model in abrasion-resistant gray cast iron, versions in ADI and stainless steel are stocked as well. On request, the components of the pump chamber can be manufactured from duplex steel or a nickel-based alloy. Other options for customization include heat treatment and wear-resistant coatings for the wear plates and housing components.
The Vogelsang Quality Cartridge stands for modern sealing technology. The mechanical seal in cartridge design is manufactured automatically in the factory, completely pre-assembled and checked by computer. This makes it quick and easy to change on site: assembly errors are avoided and the time required is reduced. This means quick and easy replacement of the shaft seal as well as safe commissioning after seal replacement.
VX pumps from Vogelsang have sturdy, break-proof shafts with a large diameter and without cranks and recesses to weaken them. The benefit is that Vogelsang rotary lobe pumps give a minimum shaft deflection even under high pressure, very low start-up wear, and ultimately reduced operating costs and spare parts costs.
Vogelsang rotary lobe pumps are built according to a unique element-based design. With them, the customer isn’t forced to replace the entire body, but instead just the element that is affected. The economical replacement of individual components not only makes maintenance simpler and quicker, but simultaneously reduces the operating costs.

Optionen der VX-Serie

The InjectionSystem significantly improves the foreign-matter resistance of the pump. It increases the efficiency and improves the suction capacity through optimized volumetric efficiency. Thanks to the InjectionSystem the service life of the pump is extended. Field trials prove a longer period of up to 2.5 times.
The wear plates, made from highly wear-resistant special steel, extend maintenance intervals considerablx, simplify maintenance and minimize downtimes. Also your costs are significantly reduce during maintenance.
Unlike conventional lobes, Vogelsang’s HiFlo® lobes ensure pulsation-free pumping and consequently longer lifetimes for the drive and coupling. At the same time, the suction capacity is increased due to the higher number of sealing lines. The improved internal sealing enables suction from deep pits.
The speed-dependent displacement of the VX rotary lobe pumps makes them ideal for precise longitudinal distribution within the spreading swath. Either screwed directly into the gearbox or in conjunction with the UDS both versions of the Vogelsang speed sensor are used to calculate the flow rate, allowing precise control of the required spreading capacity.
The Universal Drive System (UDS) allows the same VX rotary lobe pump to be operated with a number of different types of drive (hydraulic and geared motors, classic cardan shaft, three-speed gearbox) or locations (stationary, mobile). This is done by combining the pump with a shaft and drive adapter. The UDS makes spare parts management easier and enhances flexibility.
In the QD design, an additional, third support bearing provides extra stability and extremely low shaft deflection, resulting in minimal pressure-related wear. This results in a longer lifetime and reduced wear, especially at high pressures.
Vogelsang’s rotary lobe pumps themselves are also compact in design, which saves weight. Also thanks to the pumping technique a considerable reduction in pipes is possible. Therefore Vogelsang rotary lobe pumps weigh up to 37 % less that comaprable models on the market.
We offer another option which is perfectly suited to road transport: aluminum pump housing and lobe cores. This helps haulers to keep the tare of the transport vehicle to a minimum and thus increase the payload. The gearbox housing, bearing seal housing and QuickService cover are all made of aluminum. Particular attention has been paid to making sure that all components that come into contact with the medium are lined with robust gray cast iron or highly wear-resistant special steel.

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