Der Nass-Zerkleinerer bietet einen großen Vorteil bei Verarbeitung von faserigen Materialien
Der Nass-Zerkleinerer RotaCut® für industrielle Anwendungen

Der Nassschneider RotaCut, unser Cutter mit integriertem Schwerstoffabscheider, kann in einer Vielzahl von industriellen Anwendungen eingesetzt werden. Dieser Cutter bietet einen direkten Kontakt zwischen den Klingen und dem Schneidesieb, wodurch er eine definierte Schnittleistung liefert, was ein großer Vorteil bei der Verarbeitung von faserigen Materialien ist. Da der Nassschneider RotaCut gleichzeitig das Medium homogenisiert, bietet er außerdem weit mehr als nur einen Pumpenschutz für nachgeschaltete Systeme. Das auf diese Weise zerkleinerte Medium kann auch problemlos in weiteren Prozessen eingesetzt werden.

In industriellen Anwendungen wird der Nassschneider RotaCut in der Regel zusammen mit anderen Vogelsang Produkten wie Drehkolbenpumpen, Exzenterschneckenpumpen oder anderen Zerkleinerern wie dem XRipper eingesetzt. Bei Anwendungen mit Lebensmittelabfällen eignen sich beispielsweise nicht alle Materialien dafür, direkt nach einem ersten Schneideschritt weitergepumpt zu werden. Vor allem Fisch-, Fleisch- und Gemüseabfälle enthalten oft grobfaserige Materialien, die in einem Schwerstoffabscheider getrennt werden.

Vor allem zwei Modelle des Nassschneiders RotaCut haben sich im industriellen Einsatz bewährt: Der Nassschneider RotaCut RCX wird in Schlachthöfen als Teil der RedUnit eingesetzt, um die Anforderungen der EU-Hygieneverordnung zu erfüllen. Dank seines kompakten Designs und seiner zuverlässigen Schneidleistung wird der Nassschneider RotaCut MXL auf Tankwagen eingesetzt, um die Pumpen vor Fremdkörpern zu schützen.

Mit Funktionen und Optionen wie Automatic Cut Control (ACC) und Auto-Reverse-Funktion ist der Cutter ein Schlüsselprodukt für die Zerkleinerung in industriellen Anwendungen.


Features des RotaCut ®

Separation of stones and metal parts is important for ensuring smooth operation of the cutter itself as well as of the downstream pumps and components, and also to prevent damage and blockages they may cause. Each RotaCut therefore has an integrated heavy material separator.
Vogelsang uses its proprietary software to develop cutting screens with optimized geometry for every size-reduction ratio. For operators, this means the best geometry at all times for smooth running, with minimal wear. The cutting screens are produced from wear-resistant special steel and offer twice the performance since they are reversible.
The cutting screens are exposed to high loads in cutters like the RotaCut. This is why in the RotaCut, they are not merely supported at several points, but rather their entire surface lies on a stable holder. This reduces deformation of the cutting screen and enables easy and energy-saving cutting across the entire surface.
Chopping down media with a high solids content in a small space places a great strain on the cutting screens. This is why we have optimized the holder on both the Pro and RCX series: the cutting screen is additionally stabilized by a central support. This minimizes deformation of the cutting screen and also enables efficient cutting despite high load operation.
Cutting blades and rotors have a decisive impact on the RotaCut's cutting performance. The asymmetric blade rotors we developed in-house deliver optimal chopping down performance with minimal wear. The movable bearing of the cutting blades ensures continuous contact between the cutting screen and blades – a solid foundation for reliable cutting of even the finest fibers.
Each RotaCut has a blade adjustment function that ensures that the cutting blade and screen are always in continuous contact. This contact is what enables reliable cutting of even the finest, long-fiber fibrous matter, such as hair, industrial fibers and grass entanglements.
Thanks to their design all RotaCut products are easy to service and maintain. Just a few motions are required to gain access to the cutting tools, which can be replaced on-site. The RotaCut is ready for use again in no time at all. The RotaCut does not need to be removed nor the cutter head disassembled.

Optionen des RotaCut ®

The hole pattern of the cutting screens, along with the number of cuts, is decisive for the size-reduction ratio. To meet the requirements of every situation, we offer cutting screens for the RotaCut, depending on the size, with free passage from 4 mm to 50 mm. Stainless steel versions are available for aggressive media.
The Automatic Cut Control (ACC) automatically adjusts the RotaCut's blades and maintains constant pressure between the cutting screen and blades. Moreover, the pressure can be adjusted during operation; as high as necessary and as low as possible. This extends the lifetime of the cutting blades and screen, and enables automatic operation.
ACCplus further reduces the cost of maintenance and monitoring of the cutter. It monitors the cutting blades status online and displays it on an external display. This means it's no longer necessary to place the cutter out of service and open it to determine the cutting blades status. Additionally, this information can be processed and displayed by the (central) control and/or remote control.
The Auto-Reverse function detects blockages, such as those caused by coarse disruptive matter, and initiates corrective action. By periodically reversing, the function further ensures that a pair of sharp cutting edges is always used while dull ones are sharpened on the opposite site. This delivers optimal cutting performance with reduced power consumption.
For smooth operation of many plants, reliable foreign matter separation of stones and metal parts is a must, in addition to cutting. The adapted design of the heavy material separator is crucial. It has to be compatible with the requirements for the respective application as well as shredding. The RotaCut offers the most comprehensive selection of heavy material separators.
The Debris Removal System (DRS) available for the RotaCut RCX series enables regular removal of separated heavy material during ongoing operation. The system removes the heavy material with only minimal loss of medium (only around 15 l). In comparison to conventional solutions, the DRS reduces the work required by 80%.
The housing of the RotaCut is made of steel and is completely galvanized. Stainless steel variants are available for particularly aggressive applications. Cutting screens and blades are also available in steel and/or stainless steel versions.
Hydraulic or geared motors adapted for the prevailing conditions of the application are used to drive the cutter. A selection of geared motors with various power ratings and different speeds are available for every type, so the RotaCut can always be individually adapted to the respective application. The perfect motor is available for every task, from protection against fibers and coarse matter through to fine, homogeneous preparation of a suspension. Suitable cutting screens and blade rotors are available for individual adjustment of the size-reduction ratio.


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