Pumpen für die Logistikindustrie
Industrielle Anwendungen beim Transportieren von Medien


Schnelles und präzises Befüllen und Entleeren von Transportfahrzeugen

Vogelsang Lösung

Drehkolbenpumpen der VX-Serie und IQ-Serie

Ob chemische Stoffe, Öle oder Medien für die Nahrungsmittelindustrie, wichtig ist, Transportfahrzeuge ebenso schnell wie exakt zu befüllen oder zu entleeren. Denn auch hier gilt: Zeit ist Geld und eine ungenaue Dosierung unverantwortlich oder gar gefährlich. Pumpen für Tankfahrzeuge haben dementsprechend hohe Sicherheitskriterien zu erfüllen und dürfen darüber hinaus weder sehr groß noch zu schwer sein. Bedingungen, die häufig zulasten der Leistungskraft gehen.

Infolge ihrer kompakten und dennoch durchzugsstarken Konstruktion gehören Vogelsang Drehkolbenpumpen zu den meistbestellten Industriepumpen im weltweiten Transport- und Logistiksektor. Sie befördern hochviskose oder aggressive Medien aller Art und pumpen sogar Flüssigkeiten mit groben Feststoffen ohne zu blockieren. Maßgebend hierfür ist die einzigartige Bauweise der Vogelsang Drehkolbenpumpen, der darüber hinaus auch die unproblematische Wartung ohne Ausbau der Maschine zu verdanken ist. Falls überhaupt Wartungsbedarf besteht, denn Vogelsang Produkte sind außerordentlich robust und pulsationsarm und der Verschleiß daher sehr gering. Ein weiteres Argument für Drehkolbenpumpen an Tankfahrzeugen ist die umkehrbare Förderrichtung. Gegenüber Exzenterschneckenpumpen ist das ein großer Vorteil, da von diesen zwei Stück für das Befüllen und Entleeren am Fahrzeug montiert werden müssen.

Transportierte Medien in der Logistikindustrie

Antifreeze is a liquid used in engines and other machinery to lower the freezing point of water, preventing the formation of ice and damage to engine components.
Antifreeze is transported in sealed containers or bulk tanks and distributed to automotive and industrial users. Used antifreeze is collected and transported for recycling or safe disposal, where contaminants are removed and the fluid is reprocessed.
Bentonite is an absorbent clay used in various industries for applications such as drilling mud, cat litter, and as a binding agent in metal casting.
Bentonite is transported in bulk bags or as powder in trucks. In logistics, it is processed by mining, drying, and pulverizing before distribution to industries like construction, drilling, and agriculture.
Blood is a fluid that circulates through the bodies of animals, delivering nutrients and oxygen to cells while removing waste products.
In industries like meat processing, blood is collected and transported to facilities for further processing into products like blood meal, used in animal feed and fertilizers. Transportation is done in refrigerated tanks to prevent spoilage and contamination.
Brake fluid is a hydraulic fluid used in brake systems of vehicles to transfer force into pressure, enabling braking.
Brake fluid is transported in sealed containers to prevent contamination. Used brake fluid is collected and transported to recycling or disposal facilities, where it is processed to recover usable components or safely disposed of as hazardous waste.
Fish and vegetable oils are natural oils derived from fish and plants, typically used in cooking, food production, cosmetics, and as dietary supplements. They are rich in essential fatty acids and vitamins.
In logistics, fish and vegetable oils are transported in bulk containers or barrels, usually under controlled temperatures to prevent spoilage. The oils are processed by extraction and refinement before distribution to industries like food, cosmetics, and biofuels.
Glycerine is a colorless, odorless, and viscous liquid commonly used in cosmetics, food, and pharmaceuticals. It is a by-product of soap making and biodiesel production
Glycerine is transported in bulk containers or drums and stored in controlled environments to maintain its quality. In logistics, it is processed from crude glycerine into refined glycerine, used in a variety of industries, including cosmetics, food, and pharmaceuticals.
Hydrocarbons are organic compounds made entirely of hydrogen and carbon atoms, commonly found in fuels like oil, natural gas, and coal.
Hydrocarbons are transported in pipelines, tankers, or railcars. In the logistics industry, hydrocarbons undergo extraction, refinement, and distribution to be used in energy, chemicals, and plastics. The industry ensures strict safety measures during transport to prevent leaks or spills.
Kaolin is a type of white clay used in ceramics, paper, rubber, and paint industries due to its fine, soft texture and ability to absorb moisture.
Kaolin is transported in bulk bags or containers. In logistics, kaolin is mined, refined, and transported to various industries, often requiring special handling to prevent contamination or degradation of its properties.
Liquid soap is a soap solution in liquid form, commonly used for hand washing, dishwashing, or cleaning.
Liquid soap is transported in bulk containers, drums, or retail-sized bottles. In logistics, liquid soap is processed by mixing soap compounds with water and additives, then packaged and distributed to consumers and industries.
Molasses is a thick, dark syrup produced as a by-product during the refining of sugar from sugarcane or sugar beets.
Molasses is transported in bulk containers, tank trucks, or barrels. In the logistics process, it is stored in temperature-controlled tanks to prevent crystallization and ensure fluidity for use in food production, animal feed, or fermentation for ethanol production.
Must is freshly crushed fruit juice that contains skins, seeds, and stems. Tank bottoms are residues found at the bottom of storage tanks, often in the oil industry. Pomace refers to the solid remains of fruit after juice extraction.
These materials are typically handled as bulk goods or waste products. In the logistics sector, they are transported to processing plants where they are either further processed (as in the case of must and pomace for food or cosmetics) or disposed of safely (as with tank bottoms).
Used vegetable oil is oil that has been utilized for cooking or other industrial processes and has been discarded after its initial use.
In logistics, used vegetable oil is collected from restaurants and food industries and transported to recycling or biodiesel production facilities. It is processed by filtering and refining to remove impurities before being repurposed as fuel or industrial oils.
Waste oil refers to used oil that has become contaminated with substances and is no longer suitable for its original purpose, such as engine oil, hydraulic fluid, or lubricants.
Waste oil is collected from various sources and transported to recycling facilities in sealed containers or tank trucks. Specialized procedures are followed to process, recycle, or safely dispose of it, often involving re-refining into usable oil products or fuel.
Waste products from the oil and gas industry include by-products such as drilling muds, tank bottoms, refinery sludges, and other residues that result from extraction, refining, and transportation processes.
These waste products are typically hazardous materials and are transported under strict safety and environmental regulations to treatment or disposal facilities. They are often processed to extract usable components, recycled, or safely disposed of in specialized landfills or incinerators.