Der Zweiwellen-Zerkleinerer für die Zerkleinerung von Feststoffen und Fremdkörpern in Flüssigkeiten
Der Zweiwellen-Zerkleinerer XRipper für industrielle Anwendungen

Der Zweiwellen-Zerkleinerer XRipper von Vogelsang wurde für eine wirtschaftliche Zerkleinerung von Feststoffen und Fremdkörpern in Flüssigkeiten designt. Er kann 
u. a. auf industriellen Kläranlagen genutzt werden oder für Prozesse in der chemischen, Lebensmittel- oder Recycling-Industrie. Dank der robusten Ripper-Rotoren zerkleinert der XRipper problemlos unterschiedlichste Materialien, so dass keine Verstopfungen entstehen und nachgelagerte Systemkomponenten wie Pumpen geschützt werden. Wie auch andere Produkte von Vogelsang baut das Design auf dem QuickService Design auf, so dass die Wartung sehr einfach und schnell vonstatten geht. Optional bieten wir den XRipper auch in einem ATEX Design an, das dem XRipper erlaubt, auch in einer explosiven Umgebung in der chemischen Industrie zu arbeiten. Eine andere Option bietet das Sewer Integration Kit (SIK), welches die Installation im industriellen Abwasserbereich der Lebensmittelindustrie einfacher macht.


Features des XRipper®

The monolithic Ripper rotors are made of a high-quality steel block. They transfer the torque evenly from the shaft to the rotors, thereby enabling an even greater load. Service and maintenance work can be completed in a short time because far fewer individual parts need to be replaced when changing parts.
The axial wear plates of the XRipper are equipped with a counter-cutter that largely prevents disruptive matter from passing through the XRipper without being shredded. The result: even, reliable shredding.
As a result of the different rotational speeds of the two XRipper shafts, the XRipper rotors clean themselves. Material that has settled in the gaps between the Ripper rotors is actively raked out. This avoids clogging of rotors and any resulting
The shafts and rotors of the XRipper are dimensioned with maximum diameters. Both together make the XRipper torsionally stiff and resistant to blockage.
The XRipper housing features a rigid design. This lays the foundation for the long lifetime of the bearings and gearbox.

Optionen des XRipper ®

To adjust to the size-reduction ratio, Ripper rotors are available with blade widths ranging from 6-11 mm. They are made of hardened special steel as standard, and are also available in stainless steel for use in chemically aggressive media.
Flow-optimized housings are available for selection for the XRipper XRP and XRipper XRC. This means maximum throughput with the smallest possible dimensions as well as low operating and investment costs.
An ATEX-compliant version can be supplied for use in areas subject to explosion hazards.
Depending on the series, the components of the XRipper chamber are produced from gray cast iron (XRS) or steel. Alternatively, they are available in stainless steel and/or cast stainless steel. The Ripper rotors and axial wear plates are made of highly wear-resistant special steel and are also available in a stainless steel variant.
For long designs and/or if hard blockages are to be expected, the QD design gives the XRipper additional stability thanks to an additional, third support bearing – this prevents shafts from bending and the Ripper rotors from touching. Nevertheless, the QuickService functionality remains: maintenance and service are performed quickly and easily on-site.
The connector box available for the XRipper XRS and XRipper XRP allows for heavy material, such as stones and metal parts, to be separated out upstream from the XRipper, thereby avoiding blockage of the XRipper.
The SIK enables the XRipper XRC to be directly positioned in the channel and/or upstream of the inlet or discharge, as well as in front of slanted or rounded walls. Guide rails allow the complete XRipper to be lifted upwards and out for service and maintenance, and replaced again without an additional retaining ring.
A variety of different drive options are available for the XRipper. In most cases, geared motors and/or parallel shaft geared motors supply the drive power. Suitably equipped versions are available for operation in temporarily or permanently flooded conditions. Alternatively, the XRipper can be driven by a hydraulic motor.


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