Voorzichtig en zorgvuldig pompen van druiven, most en wijn
Technische oplossingen voor de wijnindustrie


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Terwijl het verpompen van most relatief weinig eisen stelt aan de techniek, is het pompen van hele druiven veel moeilijker. Het pompproces moet zorgvuldig verlopen en de delicate druiven mogen niet worden beschadigd voordat ze worden verwerkt. 

Vogelsang wijnpompen kunnen vaste stoffen tot 90 mm transporteren. Hun werking is uiterst zorgvuldig, dankzij hun geavanceerde ontwerp en lage koppel. Dit zijn eigenschappen die ook de wijn ten goede komen, aangezien ze met minder zuurstof in aanraking komen. Als alternatief produceren centrifugaalpompen aanzienlijk meer druk, waardoor de suiker wordt afgescheiden. Dit heeft een negatief effect op de kwaliteit van het eindproduct. Excentrische wormpompen vereisen meer ruimte dan lobbenpompen en zijn minder mobiel en flexibel.

Diverse media verwerkt in de wijnindustrie

In the wine industry, grapes are the primary raw material for wine production. The sugar in the grapes is fermented by yeast to produce alcohol. Different grape varieties and their ripeness levels significantly influence the taste, aroma, and character of the resulting wine.
In the wine industry, must refers to the freshly crushed grape juice that contains skins, seeds, and possibly stems. It is the starting point for fermentation, where yeast is introduced to convert the sugars in the must into alcohol, resulting in wine. The composition and treatment of the must greatly affect the style and quality of the wine.
In winemaking, pomace is the by-product left after grapes are pressed for their juice. It includes the skins, seeds, and stems. Pomace can be used to make products like grape seed oil, compost, or even distilled into spirits such as grappa. In some winemaking methods, the pomace may be left in contact with the juice to enhance flavor and color extraction.
In the wine industry, sediments are solid particles that settle at the bottom of wine during fermentation, aging, or after bottling. These may include dead yeast cells (lees), grape skins, and other organic materials. Winemakers often remove sediments through processes such as racking and filtration to clarify the wine, although some wines are bottled with sediment for aging and character development.
In the wine industry, wine is the end product of fermenting grape juice (must). The winemaking process includes harvesting, crushing, fermentation, aging, and bottling. Different fermentation techniques, aging methods, and blending of grape varieties contribute to the diverse range of wines available.

Pompen van Vogelsang

voor het verpompen van wijn

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